all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CB1 2HW22052.1995750.134604
CB1 2HY1152.1990690.134755
CB1 2JB28452.1951880.131555
CB1 2JF2252.1949350.134394
CB1 2JH101052.1943610.135318
CB1 2JY1152.1947240.132396
CB1 2LA1152.1949820.134033
CB1 2LD521452.2045810.136511
CB1 2LE4052.2044040.138099
CB1 2LF27852.2045950.137947
CB1 2LG911952.2029770.138909
CB1 2LH3052.2014170.138643
CB1 2LJ361252.2004540.138464
CB1 2LL76152.2027640.139526
CB1 2LP31052.2040780.139679
CB1 2LR14052.2047630.139126
CB1 2LS22052.2050530.138511
CB1 2LT12252.2049280.137934
CB1 2LU10052.2052480.139135
CB1 2LW31152.2005330.139068