all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 0SJ 0 52.176904 0.139193
CB2 0XX 1 1 52.176638 0.140511
CB2 0AB 25 0 52.177522 0.138345
CB2 0AD 29 0 52.177557 0.137937
CB2 0AE 25 0 52.177612 0.13737
CB2 0AF 27 0 52.177647 0.136932
CB2 0AG 1 1 52.176314 0.139999
CB2 0AH 1 1 52.176392 0.14265
CB2 0AL 24 0 52.172612 0.145552
CB2 0AN 35 0 52.171865 0.1436
CB2 0AP 17 0 52.172313 0.147146
CB2 0AR 17 0 52.17238 0.142455
CB2 0AS 74 0 52.171836 0.142224
CB2 0AT 1 52.173207 0.13631
CB2 0AJ 1 0 52.170566 0.134412
CB2 0AU 1 52.174508 0.138199