all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 0DA 1 1 52.17506 0.141723
CB2 0GG 1 1 52.174448 0.138812
CB2 0PT 1 1 52.177341 0.140925
CB2 0PY 1 1 52.173327 0.14231
CB2 0QD 1 1 52.175901 0.141982
CB2 0QG 9 0 52.177858 0.14285
CB2 0QH 1 1 52.176526 0.14172
CB2 0QJ 25 0 52.175651 0.14532
CB2 0QN 1 1 52.17434 0.142959
CB2 0QP 1 1 52.177385 0.141951
CB2 0QQ 1 1 52.173741 0.139114
CB2 0QR 1 1 52.175406 0.142003
CB2 0QS 8 0 52.17758 0.144067
CB2 0QT 20 0 52.175601 0.147334
CB2 0QU 6 0 52.174645 0.144494
CB2 0QW 1 1 52.173741 0.139114
CB2 0QX 1 1 52.174121 0.14687
CB2 0QY 32 0 52.173969 0.144859
CB2 0QZ 33 0 52.175151 0.145647
CB2 0RA 12 0 52.172931 0.14905