all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 1GE 1 1 52.198308 0.129129
CB2 1GG 1 1 52.202481 0.125055
CB2 1HA 13 0 52.196089 0.127486
CB2 1HE 11 1 52.197856 0.127746
CB2 1HF 1 1 52.196876 0.125227
CB2 1HG 7 0 52.197021 0.126417
CB2 1HH 7 4 52.197686 0.127941
CB2 1HJ 26 1 52.196672 0.127075
CB2 1HL 37 1 52.196285 0.125096
CB2 1HN 13 1 52.197673 0.123421
CB2 1HP 26 1 52.197207 0.124321
CB2 1HQ 4 0 52.197263 0.126211
CB2 1HS 14 1 52.195726 0.124674
CB2 1HT 31 8 52.196417 0.128495
CB2 1HU 20 2 52.196535 0.129176
CB2 1HW 35 2 52.19616 0.126041
CB2 1HX 14 0 52.196127 0.124415
CB2 1HY 2 0 52.197102 0.123919
CB2 1HZ 3 0 52.196387 0.125423
CB2 1JA 7 0 52.196797 0.123657