all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 9JH 29 0 52.174594 0.117261
CB2 9JJ 26 0 52.174193 0.117052
CB2 9JL 43 0 52.172289 0.117927
CB2 9JN 29 0 52.171262 0.11703
CB2 9JP 34 0 52.172866 0.119314
CB2 9JQ 20 0 52.174499 0.120035
CB2 9JR 58 0 52.171027 0.116053
CB2 9JS 16 1 52.174631 0.113679
CB2 9JU 53 0 52.175812 0.116002
CB2 9JW 38 0 52.173002 0.118765
CB2 9JX 10 0 52.175785 0.113529
CB2 9JY 10 0 52.175413 0.113161
CB2 9JZ 24 0 52.172571 0.113216
CB2 9LA 14 1 52.174435 0.111081
CB2 9LB 1 0 52.173492 0.110728
CB2 9LD 1 1 52.172859 0.112191
CB2 9LE 1 1 52.173211 0.111126
CB2 9LN 3 2 52.17285 0.110902
CB2 9LG 19 7 52.173314 0.108087
CB2 9LH 19 3 52.174253 0.10866