all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 4LB 0 52.096432 0.285459
CB21 4LD 2 52.099783 0.285149
CB21 4LE 1 52.108072 0.295605
CB21 4LF 0 52.107823 0.27392
CB21 4LG 0 52.098339 0.282637
CB21 4LH 0 52.099507 0.283149
CB21 4LJ 0 52.100942 0.284288
CB21 4LL 0 52.101003 0.286233
CB21 4LN 1 52.098765 0.263341
CB21 4LQ 0 52.107946 0.268654
CB21 4LR 0 52.098589 0.274356
CB21 4LS 0 52.09585 0.29273
CB21 4LT 0 52.097485 0.291864
CB21 4LU 2 52.097934 0.290062
CB21 4LW 0 52.101186 0.289762
CB21 4LX 0 52.097305 0.288643
CB21 4LY 1 52.096047 0.28998
CB21 4LZ 0 52.096676 0.273748
CB21 4NA 0 52.095302 0.29457
CB21 4NB 0 52.096227 0.287201