all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 4AD 0 52.132127 0.323407
CB21 4DG 0 52.132299 0.320143
CB21 4DJ 4 52.131736 0.31722
CB21 4DS 0 52.133161 0.316564
CB21 4DP 0 52.130859 0.317467
CB21 4DT 0 52.130633 0.315687
CB21 4DU 0 52.126278 0.312642
CB21 4DW 0 52.132286 0.317614
CB21 4DX 0 52.134616 0.32076
CB21 4DY 0 52.131884 0.321568
CB21 4DZ 1 52.130355 0.323432
CB21 4EA 0 52.130575 0.320462
CB21 4EB 0 52.130252 0.32499
CB21 4ED 0 52.129302 0.325306
CB21 4EE 0 52.129169 0.322917
CB21 4EF 0 52.131292 0.324898
CB21 4EG 0 52.131777 0.32336
CB21 4EJ 0 52.129961 0.319685
CB21 4EL 0 52.132921 0.32187
CB21 4EN 1 52.077419 0.313253