all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 4EP 1 52.133076 0.311459
CB21 4EQ 0 52.130291 0.322113
CB21 4ER 0 52.132518 0.313593
CB21 4ES 0 52.133783 0.314156
CB21 4EU 0 52.134021 0.312575
CB21 4EW 0 52.135098 0.306727
CB21 4EZ 0 52.135203 0.305944
CB21 4FD 0 52.097189 0.271876
CB21 4HA 0 52.132399 0.306325
CB21 4HD 0 52.13299 0.304602
CB21 4HE 0 52.150378 0.270475
CB21 4HF 0 52.152008 0.278759
CB21 4HH 1 52.163953 0.281344
CB21 4HL 0 52.132294 0.307094
CB21 4HQ 0 52.164766 0.263926
CB21 4HS 19 52.097138 0.275903
CB21 4HT 0 52.096465 0.276043
CB21 4HU 0 52.097251 0.274711
CB21 4HX 0 52.098222 0.276133
CB21 4HY 1 52.099526 0.276608