all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 3QQ 8 1 52.252071 -0.117492
CB23 3QU 15 0 52.26363 -0.142809
CB23 3QZ 5 0 52.264085 -0.141984
CB23 3QW 28 0 52.248936 -0.119954
CB23 3QX 3 0 52.254542 -0.134412
CB23 3FA 8 0 52.248902 -0.121186
CB23 3RA 6 0 52.24838 -0.12115
CB23 3RB 8 0 52.249468 -0.119448
CB23 3RD 15 3 52.248658 -0.117153
CB23 3RE 1 1 52.248642 -0.115586
CB23 3RF 1 0 52.24947 -0.11791
CB23 3RG 1 1 52.251306 -0.11885
CB23 3RH 15 0 52.250541 -0.11938
CB23 3TH 18 0 52.255054 -0.122465
CB23 3RJ 14 1 52.254904 -0.121519
CB23 3RL 5 0 52.255118 -0.119678
CB23 3RN 26 0 52.255651 -0.120432
CB23 3RP 15 0 52.255714 -0.11873
CB23 3RR 8 0 52.251757 -0.120392
CB23 3RS 8 0 52.24945 -0.120577