all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 3RT 14 0 52.251881 -0.121925
CB23 3RU 10 0 52.250767 -0.120873
CB23 3RW 46 0 52.256338 -0.119524
CB23 3RX 15 0 52.250083 -0.1214
CB23 3RY 8 0 52.250995 -0.120512
CB23 3RZ 31 0 52.250159 -0.11769
CB23 3UG 36 0 52.250355 -0.114737
CB23 3UH 33 0 52.250301 -0.113626
CB23 3UJ 12 0 52.249829 -0.115053
CB23 3UL 15 0 52.250332 -0.115559
CB23 3UN 37 0 52.251214 -0.116195
CB23 3UP 12 0 52.251997 -0.114521
CB23 3UQ 33 0 52.251261 -0.114098
CB23 3UT 8 0 52.252007 -0.11351
CB23 3UU 29 0 52.251222 -0.113294
CB23 3UW 27 0 52.247136 -0.119298
CB23 3UY 18 18 52.251091 -0.118647
CB23 3XH 5 0 52.249207 -0.122257
CB23 3XJ 9 0 52.250581 -0.122155
CB23 3XL 20 0 52.249391 -0.123099