all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 4RF 7 0 52.299501 -0.002551
CB24 4RG 39 0 52.288235 -0.000961
CB24 4RJ 41 0 52.298889 -0.006245
CB24 4RL 30 0 52.298184 -0.00547
CB24 4RN 39 2 52.296896 -0.003211
CB24 4RP 22 1 52.292456 -0.002281
CB24 4RQ 1 0 52.280051 -0.0041
CB24 4RR 30 0 52.295836 -0.005022
CB24 4RS 1 1 52.294885 -0.005545
CB24 4RT 76 0 52.293804 -0.003848
CB24 4RU 18 0 52.291385 -0.000658
CB24 4RW 27 2 52.294561 -0.002513
CB24 4RX 3 0 52.286904 0.018568
CB24 4AD 2 0 52.2816 0.014644
CB24 4RY 52 0 52.296868 -0.005324
CB24 4RZ 48 0 52.29707 -0.004464
CB24 4SA 34 0 52.299234 -0.004822
CB24 4SE 4 1 52.290516 -0.030757
CB24 4SF 15 0 52.294947 -0.035126
CB24 4SG 18 0 52.295084 -0.036728