all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 1AA 1 1 52.286399 0.053966
CB24 1BN 17 0 52.289147 0.048976
CB24 1AD 15 0 52.288413 0.049279
CB24 1AG 2 0 52.288536 0.047906
CB24 1AH 13 0 52.288295 0.048321
CB24 1AS 1 0 52.288445 0.059867
CB24 1AU 1 0 52.287742 0.051169
CB24 3AA 8 0 52.26091 0.064585
CB24 3AB 23 1 52.260909 0.063297
CB24 3AD 7 0 52.260537 0.062459
CB24 3AE 8 0 52.26147 0.064144
CB24 3AF 38 0 52.261197 0.066388
CB24 3AG 54 1 52.261735 0.069327
CB24 3AH 15 1 52.265057 0.074743
CB24 3AJ 27 0 52.259342 0.068089
CB24 3AL 67 4 52.260533 0.069376
CB24 3AN 5 0 52.263307 0.073213
CB24 3AP 17 0 52.259641 0.065861
CB24 3AQ 4 0 52.263765 0.073263
CB24 3AR 23 7 52.267729 0.081494