all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 5JU 61 0 52.30884 0.0558
CB24 5JW 1 0 52.332084 0.073771
CB24 5JX 34 8 52.310079 0.057863
CB24 5JY 1 1 52.309702 0.058436
CB24 5LA 12 0 52.309138 0.059334
CB24 5LB 31 1 52.313096 0.061278
CB24 5LD 34 0 52.310848 0.060793
CB24 5LE 26 1 52.310834 0.058489
CB24 5LF 22 1 52.31187 0.061984
CB24 5LG 22 0 52.313047 0.062553
CB24 5LH 54 1 52.316178 0.059896
CB24 5LJ 20 2 52.314852 0.05756
CB24 5LL 9 0 52.3162 0.058606
CB24 5LN 4 0 52.314538 0.057487
CB24 5LP 10 1 52.318744 0.053515
CB24 5YR 4 0 52.314824 0.05863
CB24 5YS 4 0 52.31515 0.058528
CB24 5LQ 8 0 52.315213 0.058501
CB24 5LR 6 0 52.316885 0.058007
CB24 5LS 68 0 52.317787 0.059413