all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 6BQ 8 8 52.238533 0.159819
CB24 6BS 62 0 52.241928 0.164687
CB24 6BT 13 0 52.244494 0.160563
CB24 6BU 16 0 52.241719 0.163329
CB24 6BX 10 0 52.242663 0.161837
CB24 6BY 35 0 52.24499 0.162448
CB24 6BZ 32 0 52.245878 0.163062
CB24 6AE 1 0 52.248911 0.160265
CB24 6DA 18 0 52.247089 0.163737
CB24 6DB 1 1 52.246607 0.16449
CB24 6DD 4 3 52.24563 0.166595
CB24 6DE 17 0 52.245691 0.164899
CB24 6DF 22 3 52.244042 0.162651
CB24 6DG 84 0 52.244456 0.15772
CB24 6DH 9 0 52.245059 0.157983
CB24 6DJ 8 0 52.243402 0.159822
CB24 6DL 42 2 52.246425 0.161199
CB24 6DN 7 0 52.247635 0.162371
CB24 6DP 34 0 52.246481 0.162066
CB24 6DQ 10 9 52.248252 0.145803