all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 8AE 4 0 52.282466 0.123456
CB24 8AF 4 0 52.282874 0.12327
CB24 8AG 25 0 52.284254 0.121005
CB24 8AN 27 0 52.291138 0.125234
CB24 8AW 20 0 52.29148 0.124693
CB24 8AY 7 0 52.288553 0.125976
CB24 8BN 6 0 52.285569 0.132372
CB24 8BW 1 1 52.281638 0.138913
CB24 8DB 3 0 52.282048 0.123187
CB24 8FP 0 52.281847 0.137794
CB24 8GG 0 52.283918 0.124214
CB24 8PR 0 52.291621 0.088099
CB24 8PS 12 52.30057 0.140541
CB24 8PP 0 52.309202 0.161773
CB24 8PT 0 52.30375 0.138699
CB24 8PN 0 52.302725 0.141352
CB24 8PU 0 52.30775 0.132349
CB24 8PX 0 52.325237 0.122084
CB24 8PY 0 52.304878 0.139003
CB24 8PZ 0 52.286402 0.097912