all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 3DW 11 0 52.282281 0.03856
CB24 3DX 4 0 52.270251 0.034344
CB24 3DY 39 0 52.282433 0.046188
CB24 3DZ 7 0 52.284033 0.044359
CB24 3EA 11 0 52.281724 0.04371
CB24 3ED 33 0 52.284984 0.045004
CB24 3EE 60 0 52.28051 0.047847
CB24 3EF 52 0 52.279816 0.048988
CB24 3EG 50 1 52.279982 0.051705
CB24 3EH 38 0 52.281456 0.060176
CB24 3EL 15 0 52.278885 0.049795
CB24 3EN 8 0 52.278774 0.050843
CB24 3EP 14 0 52.281391 0.044765
CB24 3EQ 40 0 52.280754 0.050893
CB24 3EW 55 0 52.280356 0.060858
CB24 3FB 4 4 52.293456 0.047298
CB24 3FG 18 0 52.277994 0.046192
CB24 3FW 1 1 52.192254 0.137179
CB24 3XA 9 0 52.258383 0.066345
CB24 3XL 4 0 52.260886 0.066652