all postcodes in CB25 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB25 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB25 9AE 0 52.21855 0.217864
CB25 9AF 1 52.217525 0.217389
CB25 9AG 0 52.213008 0.20917
CB25 9AH 3 52.221998 0.22767
CB25 9AJ 2 52.226036 0.221283
CB25 9AN 0 52.221972 0.225238
CB25 9AQ 3 52.217688 0.22498
CB25 9AW 0 52.22312 0.226819
CB25 9BA 1 52.220284 0.261345
CB25 9BB 1 52.218976 0.267356
CB25 9BD 5 52.21626 0.282602
CB25 9BE 2 52.220936 0.265537
CB25 9DQ 5 52.223494 0.25779
CB25 9BG 0 52.223047 0.263727
CB25 9BH 0 52.221368 0.264549
CB25 9BJ 0 52.220899 0.266487
CB25 9BL 0 52.222208 0.263889
CB25 9BN 0 52.222231 0.266423
CB25 9BP 0 52.223116 0.262515
CB25 9BQ 0 52.22011 0.26592