all postcodes in CB25 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB25 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB25 9BS 0 52.222665 0.263488
CB25 9BW 0 52.224006 0.262048
CB25 9BX 1 52.218843 0.270832
CB25 9BY 0 52.220825 0.258636
CB25 9DA 3 52.222683 0.258627
CB25 9DB 0 52.222982 0.260092
CB25 9DD 3 52.221644 0.261869
CB25 9DE 0 52.222412 0.261249
CB25 9DF 0 52.222017 0.256032
CB25 9DG 0 52.224571 0.258372
CB25 9DH 0 52.219998 0.254392
CB25 9DJ 2 52.227004 0.254175
CB25 9DL 1 52.225662 0.25443
CB25 9DN 2 52.23353 0.261053
CB25 9DP 0 52.224633 0.257467
CB25 9DR 0 52.225412 0.257668
CB25 9DS 0 52.226038 0.256411
CB25 9DT 1 52.22682 0.255484
CB25 9DU 4 52.224676 0.259929
CB25 9TU 7 52.225936 0.262219