all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 1AW 23 10 52.200198 0.126759
CB2 1AX 1 0 52.202109 0.124276
CB2 1BY 1 1 52.202109 0.124276
CB2 1DB 12 10 52.20173 0.124814
CB2 1DP 60 37 52.200124 0.12639
CB2 1DQ 1 1 52.201431 0.125194
CB2 1EG 36 6 52.198683 0.125752
CB2 1EH 1 1 52.198365 0.124449
CB2 1EL 3 3 52.198179 0.122786
CB2 1EN 17 6 52.197811 0.123499
CB2 1EP 1 1 52.19794 0.125087
CB2 1ER 1 1 52.198358 0.126322
CB2 1EW 1 1 52.197949 0.125088
CB2 1EZ 1 1 52.197662 0.126552
CB2 1FH 1 1 52.192254 0.137179
CB2 1GA 1 1 52.198846 0.122687
CB2 1GE 1 1 52.198308 0.129129
CB2 1GG 1 1 52.202481 0.125055
CB2 1HA 13 0 52.196089 0.127486
CB2 1HE 11 1 52.197856 0.127746