all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 1NX 34 4 52.218676 0.145416
CB4 1NZ 14 1 52.218141 0.145931
CB4 1PA 32 1 52.218285 0.147402
CB4 1PB 18 0 52.218966 0.14972
CB4 1PD 55 0 52.220522 0.148712
CB4 1PE 47 0 52.220979 0.150286
CB4 1PF 28 0 52.219581 0.149047
CB4 1PG 42 0 52.220497 0.150072
CB4 1PH 6 0 52.225986 0.144934
CB4 1PL 2 0 52.219294 0.140379
CB4 1PN 12 0 52.220908 0.135861
CB4 1PQ 23 0 52.216818 0.142736
CB4 1PR 4 3 52.217681 0.137829
CB4 1PW 45 0 52.220781 0.136426
CB4 1PX 32 1 52.219388 0.135891
CB4 1PY 24 0 52.217982 0.137082
CB4 1PZ 21 0 52.217548 0.136739
CB4 1QA 6 0 52.220498 0.135212
CB4 1QB 57 1 52.219385 0.136549
CB4 1QG 41 0 52.218811 0.141441