all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 0AP 2 2 52.234469 0.154614
CB4 0DL 19 13 52.23085 0.159563
CB4 0DN 13 12 52.231126 0.15921
CB4 0DP 6 6 52.232284 0.151169
CB4 0DS 26 26 52.234244 0.151936
CB4 0DT 1 1 52.230582 0.151277
CB4 0DW 1 1 52.23226 0.144563
CB4 0FB 1 1 52.231439 0.148683
CB4 0FE 3 1 52.231185 0.148333
CB4 0FH 1 0 52.230301 0.148481
CB4 0WN 5 4 52.233947 0.142316
CB4 0FN 2 2 52.232059 0.146998
CB4 0FP 1 1 52.231955 0.143346
CB4 0FQ 4 3 52.230622 0.148584
CB4 0FX 1 1 52.232146 0.142449
CB4 0FY 5 5 52.232429 0.149638
CB4 0FZ 1 1 52.232509 0.148661
CB4 0GD 2 1 52.232543 0.148061
CB4 0GF 1 1 52.233188 0.147918
CB4 0GJ 1 1 52.234168 0.147715