all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 2DT 22 0 52.224398 0.12638
CB4 2DU 19 0 52.223732 0.126377
CB4 2DW 12 0 52.223544 0.122839
CB4 2DX 6 0 52.221633 0.12064
CB4 2EA 1 1 52.192254 0.137179
CB4 2ED 22 0 52.21827 0.126102
CB4 2EE 17 1 52.219533 0.123893
CB4 2EG 24 0 52.224828 0.126473
CB4 2EH 29 0 52.225576 0.123376
CB4 2EJ 32 0 52.225078 0.123528
CB4 2EN 25 0 52.22505 0.120085
CB4 2EP 24 0 52.225451 0.120793
CB4 2EQ 22 0 52.224307 0.12494
CB4 2ER 24 0 52.225434 0.12126
CB4 2ES 33 0 52.22581 0.121337
CB4 2ET 1 1 52.225369 0.126382
CB4 2EU 26 1 52.225719 0.127409
CB4 2EW 24 0 52.225286 0.120463
CB4 2GA 10 0 52.223726 0.132233
CB4 2GB 1 1 52.192254 0.137179