all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 3QS 12 1 52.216099 0.107787
CB4 3AA 9 0 52.212051 0.115895
CB4 3AB 6 0 52.211958 0.117603
CB4 3AD 47 0 52.212247 0.117308
CB4 3AE 15 0 52.212841 0.116474
CB4 3AF 21 0 52.213874 0.115059
CB4 3AG 26 0 52.213163 0.116592
CB4 3AH 32 0 52.213015 0.115326
CB4 3AJ 3 0 52.212693 0.117726
CB4 3AL 12 1 52.212463 0.117993
CB4 3AN 22 1 52.213048 0.119485
CB4 3AP 14 3 52.21374 0.121508
CB4 3AQ 26 0 52.214048 0.115389
CB4 3AR 12 0 52.213838 0.122582
CB4 3AT 1 1 52.214115 0.123649
CB4 3AU 1 1 52.214205 0.124136
CB4 3AX 19 10 52.213855 0.124396
CB4 3AZ 1 1 52.214018 0.125064
CB4 3BA 1 1 52.214472 0.124601
CB4 3BB 7 0 52.21364 0.124548