all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 0GQ 1 1 52.233941 0.149038
CB4 0GW 1 1 52.237417 0.144826
CB4 0GZ 5 4 52.234624 0.145585
CB4 0HH 1 1 52.228803 0.151689
CB4 0PP 12 12 52.231808 0.1516
CB4 0PZ 1 1 52.235791 0.137323
CB4 0QA 2 2 52.236792 0.140372
CB4 0WA 2 2 52.235887 0.14418
CB4 0WD 2 1 52.236332 0.141961
CB4 0WE 2 2 52.236621 0.142385
CB4 0WF 1 1 52.235612 0.140741
CB4 0WG 14 9 52.23424 0.139795
CB4 0WH 2 2 52.235203 0.138758
CB4 0WS 58 58 52.235272 0.153729
CB4 0WT 1 0 52.23023 0.149869
CB4 0WU 8 8 52.22935 0.156709
CB4 0WW 2 2 52.234067 0.137635
CB4 0WX 1 1 52.22935 0.156709
CB4 0WY 10 9 52.231526 0.151293
CB4 0WZ 25 25 52.229833 0.150244