all postcodes in CB6 / ELY

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CB6 1AA152.4010590.262921
CB6 1AB052.45370.309274
CB6 1AD152.4008620.261
CB6 1AE352.401670.261556
CB6 1TP052.4025450.262821
CB6 1AF152.4009330.259101
CB6 1AG052.3996390.259159
CB6 1AH052.3999590.259322
CB6 1AJ052.4007260.257774
CB6 1AL052.4003660.257734
CB6 1AN052.4013050.254746
CB6 1AP052.4013420.25657
CB6 1AQ052.4011320.258633
CB6 1AR052.4000720.256256
CB6 1AS052.3993730.257073
CB6 1AT152.3994210.255473
CB6 1AU052.4000080.255261
CB6 1AW052.4005020.257183
CB6 1AX052.4012020.255902
CB6 1AY052.4003160.253843