all postcodes in CB6 / ELY

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB6 3BB 24 1 52.398573 0.253739
CB6 3BE 37 0 52.397973 0.251254
CB6 3BF 8 0 52.398691 0.25276
CB6 3BG 11 0 52.39762 0.250412
CB6 3BH 10 0 52.396612 0.249994
CB6 3BJ 11 0 52.396513 0.250503
CB6 3BL 19 0 52.396455 0.24881
CB6 3BN 7 0 52.397291 0.25069
CB6 3BP 8 0 52.398159 0.249058
CB6 3BQ 1 0 52.39858 0.254783
CB6 3BS 36 0 52.39862 0.248935
CB6 3BT 14 0 52.398978 0.247571
CB6 3BU 8 0 52.399466 0.248404
CB6 3BW 49 1 52.396277 0.24492
CB6 3BX 22 0 52.398999 0.251218
CB6 3BY 8 0 52.398605 0.255828
CB6 3BZ 41 0 52.397149 0.24492
CB6 3DA 19 0 52.40058 0.248005
CB6 3DB 28 0 52.403146 0.252987
CB6 3DH 20 0 52.403544 0.250993