all postcodes in CF15 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF15 5ZZ 1 0 51.535912 -3.261173
CF15 5BF 1 0 51.535912 -3.261173
CF15 5BL 1 1 51.535912 -3.261173
CF15 5DE 1 51.535913 -3.261183
CF15 5DG 1 0 51.535912 -3.261173
CF15 5DQ 1 1 51.535912 -3.261173
CF15 5DS 1 1 51.535913 -3.261183
CF15 5DT 1 51.535913 -3.261183
CF15 5DU 0 51.535913 -3.261183
CF15 5DW 1 1 51.535913 -3.261183
CF15 7QE 28 4 51.549452 -3.271451
CF15 7HU 25 0 51.52924 -3.246875
CF15 7HW 23 0 51.528772 -3.246935
CF15 7HX 12 0 51.528754 -3.245204
CF15 7JD 11 9 51.548628 -3.270207
CF15 7JE 1 0 51.551681 -3.270763
CF15 7JJ 6 0 51.543164 -3.267416
CF15 7JL 20 0 51.536733 -3.247513
CF15 7JP 35 2 51.53294 -3.250725
CF15 7JQ 37 2 51.535397 -3.249653