all postcodes in CF15 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF15 9PG 28 0 51.531786 -3.293238
CF15 9PP 8 0 51.531228 -3.294952
CF15 9PJ 1 0 51.531926 -3.292795
CF15 9PL 5 0 51.53228 -3.29168
CF15 9PN 13 2 51.531499 -3.296473
CF15 9PQ 4 0 51.531274 -3.297246
CF15 9PS 12 0 51.53217 -3.298381
CF15 9PT 8 0 51.530872 -3.299483
CF15 9PU 2 0 51.531391 -3.298945
CF15 9PW 8 3 51.530837 -3.298603
CF15 9PX 12 0 51.530396 -3.298662
CF15 9PY 15 1 51.530691 -3.301251
CF15 9PZ 6 0 51.53128 -3.301585
CF15 9QA 25 0 51.530794 -3.302494
CF15 9QB 25 0 51.530807 -3.294796
CF15 9QD 26 1 51.530111 -3.294425
CF15 9QE 29 0 51.52961 -3.294181
CF15 9QF 35 2 51.525473 -3.293386
CF15 9QG 3 0 51.526271 -3.293653
CF15 9QH 2 0 51.526304 -3.293885