all postcodes in CF24 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF24 1PG 40 0 51.485517 -3.156028
CF24 1PH 38 1 51.485294 -3.155973
CF24 1PJ 27 0 51.48563 -3.153712
CF24 1PL 45 1 51.486569 -3.152353
CF24 1PN 40 0 51.487491 -3.151074
CF24 1PP 41 0 51.485598 -3.153265
CF24 1PQ 12 7 51.492347 -3.145549
CF24 1PU 9 9 51.487158 -3.159195
CF24 1PW 12 7 51.486731 -3.158766
CF24 1PX 15 8 51.486232 -3.158321
CF24 1PY 29 0 51.486959 -3.15749
CF24 1PZ 37 0 51.486737 -3.157268
CF24 1QA 35 0 51.486425 -3.157016
CF24 1QB 34 0 51.486274 -3.156796
CF24 1QD 9 3 51.487274 -3.158377
CF24 1QE 42 10 51.487988 -3.156249
CF24 1QF 26 1 51.48865 -3.15386
CF24 1QG 20 2 51.48932 -3.15248
CF24 1QH 20 2 51.490337 -3.151468
CF24 1QJ 32 3 51.490144 -3.150931