all postcodes in CF24 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF24 1QL 14 0 51.489241 -3.153155
CF24 1QN 15 1 51.489642 -3.152618
CF24 1QP 16 0 51.49006 -3.152153
CF24 1QQ 14 0 51.490287 -3.151971
CF24 1QR 39 0 51.48934 -3.150435
CF24 1QS 28 0 51.489856 -3.150059
CF24 1QT 30 0 51.489576 -3.150139
CF24 1QU 8 8 51.490842 -3.148586
CF24 1QW 24 0 51.490288 -3.148154
CF24 1QX 37 0 51.489992 -3.148118
CF24 1QY 27 0 51.490708 -3.148453
CF24 1QZ 25 0 51.490484 -3.148332
CF24 1RA 46 0 51.489942 -3.149528
CF24 1RB 33 0 51.488318 -3.150121
CF24 1RD 37 2 51.489064 -3.149247
CF24 1RE 45 0 51.49254 -3.148672
CF24 1RF 12 6 51.493653 -3.148046
CF24 1RG 5 0 51.49106 -3.156586
CF24 1RH 15 0 51.491425 -3.156048
CF24 1RJ 12 0 51.491365 -3.152935