all postcodes in CF24 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF24 1RL 35 1 51.49131 -3.151262
CF24 1RN 89 2 51.491642 -3.149485
CF24 1RP 15 1 51.493121 -3.146324
CF24 1RQ 3 3 51.494248 -3.145992
CF24 1RR 48 0 51.490929 -3.15157
CF24 1RS 89 0 51.491295 -3.149087
CF24 1RT 16 2 51.494651 -3.143366
CF24 1RU 22 0 51.488991 -3.154914
CF24 1RW 34 0 51.489963 -3.153836
CF24 1RX 49 0 51.48998 -3.153067
CF24 1RY 5 5 51.493848 -3.146458
CF24 1TP 2 1 51.492628 -3.147127
CF24 1XP 1 1 51.492167 -3.155577
CF24 1YN 1 1 51.488439 -3.157931
CF24 1YQ 1 1 51.490487 -3.156341
CF24 1YT 1 1 51.487965 -3.158567
CF24 1ZA 1 1 51.465736 -3.193634
CF24 1LL 14 0 51.488143 -3.154317
CF24 1SD 2 51.488368 -3.156065
CF24 1PT 8 5 51.493331 -3.148859