all postcodes in CF33 / BRIDGEND

find any address or company within the CF33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF33 4BL 30 0 51.51896 -3.707486
CF33 4BN 10 0 51.519337 -3.70893
CF33 4BP 5 0 51.516525 -3.704873
CF33 4BW 9 0 51.518611 -3.705069
CF33 4DA 21 0 51.523512 -3.709847
CF33 4DB 4 0 51.524548 -3.712164
CF33 4DD 32 0 51.523951 -3.712401
CF33 4DE 12 0 51.523381 -3.713288
CF33 4DF 44 0 51.522668 -3.714054
CF33 4DG 22 0 51.522702 -3.715453
CF33 4DH 18 0 51.522113 -3.715763
CF33 4DJ 49 0 51.524256 -3.707569
CF33 4DL 10 0 51.52148 -3.714787
CF33 4DN 8 0 51.520836 -3.71387
CF33 4DP 51 1 51.521833 -3.710923
CF33 4DR 17 0 51.521959 -3.707786
CF33 4DS 56 0 51.523193 -3.710744
CF33 4DT 44 0 51.52292 -3.711007
CF33 4DU 8 0 51.524409 -3.711856
CF33 4DW 18 0 51.52153 -3.713204