all postcodes in CF42 / TREORCHY

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF42 6EN 19 0 51.665898 -3.514499
CF42 6EP 6 6 51.666454 -3.523957
CF42 6EQ 9 9 51.653352 -3.497081
CF42 6HA 30 0 51.655093 -3.509325
CF42 6HD 1 1 51.653582 -3.500269
CF42 6HL 19 1 51.656388 -3.508616
CF42 6HN 1 1 51.655513 -3.507688
CF42 6HP 58 0 51.654121 -3.51428
CF42 6HR 9 0 51.654439 -3.512599
CF42 6HS 5 0 51.654585 -3.513468
CF42 6HU 11 0 51.654548 -3.514627
CF42 6HW 19 4 51.655399 -3.510665
CF42 6HY 27 3 51.653572 -3.516387
CF42 6LA 44 0 51.65372 -3.516796
CF42 6LB 62 0 51.652188 -3.521906
CF42 6LD 56 6 51.651852 -3.522155
CF42 6LE 32 0 51.651132 -3.525687
CF42 6LF 35 1 51.651012 -3.527316
CF42 6LG 32 1 51.65072 -3.52761
CF42 6LH 62 0 51.651762 -3.525621