all postcodes in CF42 / TREORCHY

find any address or company within the CF42 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF42 6LJ 12 0 51.654689 -3.506507
CF42 6LL 7 0 51.650352 -3.528248
CF42 6LN 34 0 51.6509 -3.524869
CF42 6LP 9 0 51.653056 -3.520171
CF42 6LR 13 0 51.652874 -3.521033
CF42 6LS 10 0 51.652556 -3.52199
CF42 6LT 27 0 51.652605 -3.523004
CF42 6LU 44 0 51.653329 -3.520571
CF42 6LW 48 1 51.65099 -3.522747
CF42 6LY 55 1 51.654269 -3.517407
CF42 6NA 72 0 51.653992 -3.52081
CF42 6NB 2 0 51.653376 -3.519312
CF42 6ND 12 1 51.654654 -3.515469
CF42 6NL 37 1 51.659219 -3.508031
CF42 6NN 38 1 51.659027 -3.508299
CF42 6NP 1 1 51.659815 -3.504349
CF42 6NR 36 4 51.659209 -3.502507
CF42 6NU 59 7 51.659015 -3.502906
CF42 6NW 22 0 51.658586 -3.507605
CF42 6NX 34 0 51.656208 -3.497377