all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7AA 21 6 51.461013 -3.444684
CF71 7AB 27 20 51.460856 -3.445068
CF71 7AD 16 8 51.461851 -3.446006
CF71 7AE 30 21 51.462137 -3.448304
CF71 7AF 19 9 51.462534 -3.450419
CF71 7AG 36 25 51.461702 -3.447873
CF71 7AH 20 12 51.46214 -3.45032
CF71 7AJ 10 5 51.46242 -3.448716
CF71 7AL 8 0 51.463118 -3.45117
CF71 7AN 23 0 51.463524 -3.456885
CF71 7AP 3 1 51.462348 -3.45237
CF71 7AQ 42 3 51.463417 -3.45393
CF71 7AR 38 3 51.463047 -3.453976
CF71 7AS 2 0 51.462305 -3.454397
CF71 7AT 4 0 51.464294 -3.455714
CF71 7AU 14 0 51.463595 -3.459133
CF71 7AW 13 0 51.460991 -3.460964
CF71 7AX 10 0 51.462583 -3.459547
CF71 7AY 58 0 51.461746 -3.459578
CF71 7AZ 16 0 51.46077 -3.459215