all postcodes in CH42 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH42 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH42 0NJ 18 0 53.38306 -3.028363
CH42 0NN 14 0 53.383308 -3.029827
CH42 0NP 27 0 53.38367 -3.024378
CH42 0NQ 2 1 53.376926 -3.025704
CH42 0NR 17 0 53.383878 -3.024248
CH42 0NS 20 0 53.383741 -3.025567
CH42 0PB 5 0 53.379079 -3.024102
CH42 0PF 43 1 53.382118 -3.030249
CH42 0PG 14 0 53.38249 -3.03089
CH42 0PH 1 1 53.378152 -3.024185
CH42 0PQ 8 0 53.382645 -3.029585
CH42 0WA 1 0 53.397057 -3.01145
CH42 0AA 8 0 53.382692 -3.027256
CH42 1LB 12 4 53.375692 -3.009079
CH42 1LE 10 9 53.376318 -3.010402
CH42 1LG 7 3 53.376 -3.010906
CH42 1LH 17 0 53.375292 -3.010754
CH42 1LJ 8 0 53.37575 -3.010764
CH42 1LL 22 0 53.374786 -3.009975
CH42 1LQ 1 1 53.376297 -3.003472