all postcodes in CH42 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH42 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH42 1LR 21 0 53.373131 -3.005787
CH42 1LS 3 3 53.374384 -3.003066
CH42 1LT 24 0 53.37355 -3.005166
CH42 1LU 2 2 53.376172 -3.008534
CH42 1LW 7 0 53.373923 -3.004679
CH42 1LY 6 0 53.373522 -3.006338
CH42 1NB 8 7 53.376821 -3.011647
CH42 1NH 5 4 53.374276 -3.006431
CH42 1NS 4 4 53.376233 -3.011993
CH42 1NT 2 0 53.376151 -3.011165
CH42 1NX 47 0 53.371057 -3.004401
CH42 1NY 88 1 53.372202 -3.003992
CH42 1NZ 26 1 53.372577 -3.005368
CH42 1PA 48 0 53.372241 -3.005856
CH42 1PB 6 0 53.37266 -3.003041
CH42 1PD 6 0 53.368982 -3.002173
CH42 1PE 10 1 53.371009 -3.002656
CH42 1PF 10 0 53.370252 -3.002894
CH42 1PG 12 0 53.371915 -3.002918
CH42 1PH 26 0 53.370589 -3.002331