all postcodes in CH43 / PRENTON

find any address or company within the CH43 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH43 2HJ 13 1 53.380013 -3.050012
CH43 2HL 5 0 53.373305 -3.057483
CH43 2HN 13 0 53.372729 -3.059543
CH43 2HP 7 2 53.37285 -3.059065
CH43 2HQ 12 0 53.380688 -3.047969
CH43 2HR 9 0 53.373439 -3.058569
CH43 2HS 21 0 53.374059 -3.05654
CH43 2HT 21 1 53.375976 -3.052153
CH43 2HU 4 1 53.376793 -3.051346
CH43 2HW 30 0 53.375794 -3.053471
CH43 2HX 26 0 53.375581 -3.05521
CH43 2HY 26 1 53.386378 -3.053026
CH43 2HZ 42 0 53.383863 -3.048769
CH43 2JA 19 1 53.386809 -3.054134
CH43 2JB 38 3 53.384253 -3.050417
CH43 2JD 42 1 53.384625 -3.05405
CH43 2JE 51 5 53.383952 -3.052876
CH43 2JF 12 1 53.382712 -3.05083
CH43 2JG 7 0 53.384057 -3.052247
CH43 2JJ 40 0 53.384688 -3.052007