all postcodes in CH43 / PRENTON

find any address or company within the CH43 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH43 2JL 8 0 53.384848 -3.049184
CH43 2DA 8 0 53.384772 -3.049663
CH43 2JN 6 1 53.384302 -3.04887
CH43 2JP 22 0 53.385181 -3.050079
CH43 2JQ 5 0 53.382827 -3.050052
CH43 2JR 17 0 53.383803 -3.051504
CH43 2JS 18 0 53.3835 -3.051181
CH43 2JT 6 0 53.382942 -3.051212
CH43 2JU 15 0 53.383108 -3.049683
CH43 2JW 4 0 53.384001 -3.048381
CH43 2JX 10 1 53.383141 -3.048946
CH43 2JY 37 0 53.382989 -3.055001
CH43 2JZ 37 2 53.383497 -3.053526
CH43 2LA 9 0 53.382988 -3.048026
CH43 2LB 54 0 53.374829 -3.056829
CH43 2LD 24 0 53.376516 -3.05412
CH43 2LE 30 0 53.376431 -3.055606
CH43 2LF 30 0 53.376623 -3.055265
CH43 2LG 10 0 53.377417 -3.055961
CH43 2LH 26 2 53.379981 -3.056777