all postcodes in CH45 / WALLASEY

find any address or company within the CH45 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH45 4FY 1 1 53.422146 -3.044805
CH45 4JA 11 0 53.421642 -3.042747
CH45 4JB 29 2 53.421408 -3.042771
CH45 4JG 18 13 53.421061 -3.044493
CH45 4JL 2 1 53.422053 -3.043944
CH45 4JP 7 5 53.42092 -3.044098
CH45 4JR 1 1 53.421973 -3.042935
CH45 4JS 1 1 53.420277 -3.044684
CH45 4JW 5 3 53.420412 -3.044551
CH45 4LA 33 13 53.421094 -3.045756
CH45 4LB 30 11 53.422392 -3.046422
CH45 4LD 25 13 53.42352 -3.046961
CH45 4LE 4 3 53.422948 -3.047502
CH45 4LG 18 0 53.423718 -3.045867
CH45 4LH 8 0 53.424364 -3.046049
CH45 4LJ 23 0 53.42343 -3.047967
CH45 4LL 29 0 53.423315 -3.048837
CH45 4LN 17 1 53.42459 -3.046882
CH45 4LP 11 0 53.423613 -3.046602
CH45 4LQ 1 1 53.422285 -3.046359