all postcodes in CH47 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH47 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH47 0NB 7 0 53.398425 -3.159536
CH47 0ND 12 0 53.400631 -3.161025
CH47 0NE 17 0 53.400975 -3.160778
CH47 0NF 16 0 53.400392 -3.15783
CH47 0NG 24 0 53.399775 -3.160325
CH47 0NH 22 0 53.400442 -3.161922
CH47 0NJ 21 0 53.399234 -3.162325
CH47 0NL 11 0 53.399154 -3.161255
CH47 0NN 9 0 53.399514 -3.160287
CH47 0NQ 20 0 53.400107 -3.160349
CH47 0NU 1 1 53.390158 -3.179431
CH47 0NX 24 0 53.398818 -3.157005
CH47 0NY 12 0 53.399387 -3.156704
CH47 0JY 0 53.397354 -3.162439
CH47 1HA 1 0 53.391942 -3.18539
CH47 1HB 24 1 53.39188 -3.186125
CH47 1HD 15 0 53.391622 -3.186765
CH47 1HE 5 1 53.391122 -3.181879
CH47 1HF 9 0 53.393045 -3.184729
CH47 1HG 3 1 53.390553 -3.182224