all postcodes in CH47 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH47 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH47 1HH 12 1 53.390132 -3.190135
CH47 1HJ 6 0 53.390455 -3.187499
CH47 1HL 8 1 53.390223 -3.185508
CH47 1HN 14 0 53.386718 -3.195394
CH47 1HP 22 0 53.389723 -3.188817
CH47 1HQ 19 0 53.392191 -3.18472
CH47 1HR 4 0 53.388969 -3.192284
CH47 1HS 8 0 53.389569 -3.191685
CH47 1HT 3 0 53.389876 -3.190656
CH47 1HU 11 0 53.390843 -3.189224
CH47 1HW 15 1 53.390991 -3.185183
CH47 1HX 7 1 53.391041 -3.188297
CH47 1HY 31 0 53.388208 -3.19294
CH47 1HZ 13 1 53.386877 -3.196586
CH47 1JA 18 0 53.390445 -3.183093
CH47 1JE 23 0 53.392716 -3.186178
CH47 1JF 9 0 53.390464 -3.189364
CH47 1JL 3 0 53.388627 -3.193297
CH47 1AB 38 0 53.392058 -3.183649
CH47 2AA 1 1 53.390158 -3.179431