all postcodes in CH48 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH48 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH48 5BW 5 0 53.377694 -3.177162
CH48 5DA 3 2 53.374535 -3.185763
CH48 5DB 16 0 53.375458 -3.186931
CH48 5DD 13 0 53.377575 -3.187396
CH48 5DE 10 0 53.376822 -3.186293
CH48 5DF 7 0 53.378946 -3.185976
CH48 5DG 13 0 53.374376 -3.187262
CH48 5DH 1 1 53.375313 -3.185259
CH48 5DJ 8 0 53.373817 -3.189231
CH48 5DL 4 0 53.379137 -3.188462
CH48 5DN 6 1 53.376985 -3.185245
CH48 5DP 1 1 53.378251 -3.185416
CH48 5DQ 16 0 53.37459 -3.188289
CH48 5DR 7 1 53.380902 -3.184572
CH48 5DS 12 0 53.381304 -3.183922
CH48 5DT 19 2 53.375235 -3.180401
CH48 5DU 13 1 53.374587 -3.179572
CH48 5DW 15 0 53.378476 -3.18443
CH48 5DX 6 0 53.374389 -3.180513
CH48 5DY 15 0 53.374898 -3.178182