all postcodes in CH48 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH48 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH48 4EY 19 0 53.373471 -3.186966
CH48 4EZ 17 1 53.373723 -3.187875
CH48 4HA 17 8 53.373402 -3.18486
CH48 4HB 5 3 53.372429 -3.184997
CH48 4HD 2 2 53.37273 -3.184615
CH48 4HF 1 1 53.372702 -3.183818
CH48 4HG 1 1 53.373189 -3.184644
CH48 4HL 16 13 53.372459 -3.183857
CH48 4HN 6 5 53.372599 -3.184267
CH48 4HR 4 0 53.373887 -3.174968
CH48 4HS 1 1 53.372697 -3.183503
CH48 4HW 1 1 53.372428 -3.184262
CH48 4HX 4 4 53.373191 -3.182523
CH48 4HZ 1 1 53.373492 -3.183089
CH48 4JG 37 0 53.373931 -3.186844
CH48 4LE 14 0 53.374447 -3.181071
CH48 4LG 1 1 53.372341 -3.184921
CH48 4LQ 6 0 53.373583 -3.188367
CH48 4LF 48 0 53.375332 -3.182357
CH48 5BU 39 0 53.375286 -3.183409