all postcodes in CH5 / DEESIDE

find any address or company within the CH5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH5 2LL 7 7 53.237762 -3.031062
CH5 2LQ 22 4 53.214023 -2.983277
CH5 2LR 27 20 53.224555 -2.999604
CH5 2LS 1 1 53.22367 -2.997158
CH5 2LT 2 0 53.221533 -2.99874
CH5 2LY 28 14 53.220909 -2.998157
CH5 2NA 10 0 53.22509 -2.989597
CH5 2NB 28 0 53.223923 -2.988327
CH5 2ND 4 0 53.223686 -2.987662
CH5 2NE 28 0 53.222963 -2.987091
CH5 2NG 32 0 53.222749 -2.989063
CH5 2NH 1 1 53.227988 -3.053254
CH5 2NL 1 1 53.22679 -3.019356
CH5 2NN 1 1 53.232092 -3.006867
CH5 2NQ 10 0 53.222373 -2.991047
CH5 2NR 9 9 53.229996 -3.014473
CH5 2NS 13 10 53.226776 -3.014456
CH5 2NT 1 1 53.229173 -3.007367
CH5 2NW 1 1 53.233977 -3.010432
CH5 2NY 16 9 53.227147 -2.997419