all postcodes in CH60 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH60 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH60 1UA 10 0 53.333851 -3.077621
CH60 1UB 8 0 53.332174 -3.078224
CH60 1UD 17 0 53.333153 -3.075336
CH60 1UE 7 0 53.332058 -3.079107
CH60 1UF 4 0 53.335666 -3.076676
CH60 1UG 2 0 53.332976 -3.07069
CH60 1UH 16 0 53.332533 -3.077212
CH60 1UJ 29 0 53.3312 -3.075587
CH60 1UL 27 0 53.331472 -3.075263
CH60 1UN 23 0 53.330288 -3.077021
CH60 1UP 10 0 53.331673 -3.077911
CH60 1UQ 20 0 53.332835 -3.075613
CH60 1UR 9 0 53.329876 -3.077806
CH60 1US 8 0 53.329635 -3.07759
CH60 1UT 30 0 53.331006 -3.077159
CH60 1UU 18 0 53.331002 -3.076618
CH60 1UW 14 0 53.32965 -3.076929
CH60 1UX 7 0 53.330523 -3.073828
CH60 1UY 16 0 53.331751 -3.074279
CH60 1UZ 24 0 53.331755 -3.073799