all postcodes in CH65 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH65 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH65 6PA 29 0 53.26715 -2.907203
CH65 6PB 30 0 53.266861 -2.907407
CH65 6PD 17 0 53.268146 -2.907389
CH65 6PE 14 0 53.268445 -2.907126
CH65 6PF 5 0 53.268423 -2.906465
CH65 6PG 13 0 53.267734 -2.906091
CH65 6PH 42 0 53.265894 -2.908106
CH65 6PJ 36 0 53.265039 -2.908163
CH65 6PL 3 0 53.2649 -2.909929
CH65 6PN 27 5 53.264595 -2.908633
CH65 6PP 20 0 53.264311 -2.90344
CH65 6PQ 25 0 53.266072 -2.90835
CH65 6PR 22 0 53.264258 -2.906902
CH65 6PS 23 0 53.264226 -2.903978
CH65 6PT 25 0 53.264773 -2.901755
CH65 6PU 18 0 53.263579 -2.901595
CH65 6PW 13 0 53.26502 -2.906019
CH65 6PX 25 0 53.26516 -2.901749
CH65 6PY 12 0 53.264288 -2.9017
CH65 6PZ 10 0 53.264337 -2.900067