all postcodes in CH66 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH66 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH66 0NA 9 2 53.271528 -2.967681
CH66 0NB 7 1 53.265946 -2.963237
CH66 0ND 3 0 53.267082 -2.965107
CH66 0NE 3 0 53.26249 -2.963834
CH66 0NF 14 0 53.263091 -2.965032
CH66 0NG 0 53.262402 -2.964702
CH66 1HA 11 0 53.286761 -2.938895
CH66 1HB 23 0 53.286941 -2.941224
CH66 1HD 12 0 53.286262 -2.941764
CH66 1HE 11 0 53.287163 -2.942699
CH66 1HF 19 1 53.2897 -2.940099
CH66 1HG 31 0 53.288239 -2.941942
CH66 1HH 16 0 53.286611 -2.943092
CH66 1HJ 10 0 53.28817 -2.942661
CH66 1HL 17 0 53.287857 -2.943614
CH66 1HN 20 0 53.287768 -2.940027
CH66 1HP 34 0 53.287906 -2.940765
CH66 1HQ 8 0 53.290139 -2.940349
CH66 1HR 14 0 53.287216 -2.939445
CH66 1HS 14 0 53.287209 -2.939129