all postcodes in CH66 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH66 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH66 2EY 10 0 53.254981 -2.92219
CH66 2EZ 19 0 53.268506 -2.942168
CH66 2GA 19 0 53.259042 -2.924781
CH66 2GD 19 0 53.255922 -2.920246
CH66 2GE 9 0 53.256343 -2.921559
CH66 2GF 8 0 53.2566 -2.92083
CH66 2GH 7 0 53.256422 -2.922985
CH66 2GJ 6 0 53.256146 -2.922545
CH66 2GL 40 0 53.255848 -2.922763
CH66 2GN 17 0 53.26709 -2.940443
CH66 2GP 46 0 53.257591 -2.927478
CH66 2GQ 8 0 53.25701 -2.923672
CH66 2GR 34 0 53.257792 -2.925908
CH66 2GT 65 0 53.266778 -2.937842
CH66 2GU 34 0 53.265263 -2.936235
CH66 2GW 7 0 53.255493 -2.923325
CH66 2GX 36 0 53.263891 -2.933476
CH66 2GY 16 0 53.264674 -2.934468
CH66 2GZ 10 0 53.256334 -2.925007
CH66 2HB 16 0 53.259626 -2.930535