all postcodes in CH66 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH66 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH66 3LB 26 0 53.275446 -2.92371
CH66 3LD 29 0 53.273896 -2.927666
CH66 3LE 23 0 53.274578 -2.92783
CH66 3LF 17 0 53.272727 -2.927685
CH66 3LG 10 0 53.274398 -2.926642
CH66 3LH 25 0 53.275807 -2.923478
CH66 3LJ 43 0 53.276397 -2.923911
CH66 3LL 29 1 53.276391 -2.924675
CH66 3LN 7 1 53.28239 -2.92314
CH66 3LP 10 0 53.28098 -2.924159
CH66 3LQ 20 0 53.273966 -2.926797
CH66 3LR 20 0 53.279381 -2.92396
CH66 3LS 22 0 53.277711 -2.923684
CH66 3LT 30 0 53.279737 -2.925617
CH66 3LU 16 0 53.278931 -2.925285
CH66 3LW 28 0 53.282445 -2.924206
CH66 3LX 28 0 53.279283 -2.925053
CH66 3LY 17 0 53.278152 -2.924878
CH66 3LZ 18 0 53.278375 -2.925033
CH66 3NA 21 0 53.278548 -2.925922